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Proclamation 3801—"Stay in School"
Lyndon B. Johnson
Proclamation 3800—Thirtieth Anniversary of the Bonneville Project Act
Executive Order 11367—Placing an Additional Position in Level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Memorandum to Secretary Weaver on the Need for a Pilot Program To Stimulate Private Enterprise in Low-Income Housing
Proclamation 3799—American Education Week, 1967
Executive Order 11366—Assigning Authority to Order Certain Persons in the Ready Reserve to Active Duty
Proclamation 3798—Fire Prevention Week, 1967
Proclamation 3797—United Nations Day, 1967
Executive Order 11365—Establishing a National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
Proclamation 3796—National Day of Prayer and Reconciliation
Executive Order 11364—Providing for the Restoration of Law and Order in the State of Michigan
Proclamation 3795—Law and Order in the State of Michigan
Executive Order 11363—Designating the International Secretariat for Volunteer Service as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Proclamation 3794—Modifying Proclamation 3279 Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Executive Order 11362—Providing for the Use of Transportation Priorities and Allocations During the Current Railroad Strike
Proclamation 3792—Copyright Extension: Germany
Proclamation 3793—Captive Nations Week, 1967
Executive Order 11361—Suspending a Provision of Section 5751(b) of Title 10, United States Code, Which Relates to Officers of the Marine Corps in the Grade of First Lieutenant
Proclamation 3791—World Law Day, 1967
Proclamation 3790—Proclamation Amending Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States With Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities