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Executive Order 10914—Providing for an Expanded Program of Food Distribution to Needy Families
John F. Kennedy
Memorandum Concerning the Trans-Pacific Route Case
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3391—Establishing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Monument, Maryland
Proclamation 3390—Terminating the Honduran Trade Agreement in Part
Executive Order 10912—Amending Executive Order 10716 of June 17, 1957
Executive Order 10913—Amending Executive Order 10584 of December 18, 1954, Prescribing Rules and Regulations Relating to the Administration of the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act
Executive Order 10907—Inspection by Renegotiation Board of Income Tax Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
Executive Order 10911—Inspection by Department of Commerce of Income Tax Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
Proclamation 3389—Modifying Proclamation No. 3279 of March 10, 1959, Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Executive Order 10906—Inspection by Certain Classes of Persons and State and Federal Government Establishments of Returns Made in Respect of Certain Taxes Imposed by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
Executive Order 10910—Providing for the Design and Award of the National Medal of Science
Executive Order 10908—Inspection by Federal Trade Commission of Income Tax Returns of Corporations Made Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
Executive Order 10909—Amendment of Executive Order 10865, Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry
Executive Order 10905—Amendment of Executive Order 6260 of August 28, 1933, as Amended
Executive Order 10904—Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Certain Carriers Represented by the New York Harbor Carriers' Conference Committee and Certain of Their Employees
Memorandum Concerning the International Phase of the Large Irregular Air Carrier Investigation.
Proclamation 3388—Enlarging the Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico
Executive Order 10903—Delegating Authority of the President With Respect to Regulations Relating to Certain Allowances and Benefits to Government Personnel on Overseas Duty
Executive Order 10902—Providing for the Issuance of Emergency Preparedness Orders by the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization
Executive Order 10901—Amendment of Executive Order 10501, Relating to Safeguarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States