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Proclamation 10017—Jewish American Heritage Month, 2020
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Proclamation 10018—Law Day, U.S.A., 2020
Memorandum on Authorizing the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program for Major Disaster Declarations Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019
Executive Order 13917—Delegating Authority Under the Defense Production Act of 1950 With Respect to Food Supply Chain Resources During the National Emergency Caused by the Outbreak of COVID-19
Executive Order 13918—Establishment of the Interagency Labor Committee for Monitoring and Enforcement Under Section 711 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act
Memorandum on Providing Continued Federal Support for Governors' Use of the National Guard To Respond to COVID-19 and To Facilitate Economic Recovery
Proclamation 10015—World Intellectual Property Day, 2020
Proclamation 10014—Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
Memorandum on Providing Continued Federal Support for Governors' Use of the National Guard To Respond to COVID–19 and To Facilitate Economic Recovery
Executive Order 13916—National Emergency Authority To Temporarily Extend Deadlines for Certain Estimated Payments
Proclamation 10010—National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2020
Proclamation 10011—National Park Week, 2020
Proclamation 10012—National Volunteer Week, 2020
Proclamation 10013—Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, 2020
Executive Order 13915—Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of the Interior
Memorandum on Delegation of Authorities Under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 and the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019
Proclamation 10009—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2020
Memorandum on Providing Federal Support for Governors' Use of the National Guard To Respond to COVID–19
Memorandum on Visa Sanctions
Memorandum on Providing COVID–19 Assistance to the Italian Republic