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Proclamation 2607—"I Am An American Day", 1944
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9429—Amending Executive Order 9406 of December 17, 1943
Executive Order 9427-A—Assignment of Frequencies to Government Radio Stations
Executive Order 9428—Authorizing Certain Former Employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, to Acquire a Competitive Classified Status
Memorandum on Occupational Deferments
Executive Order 9427—Establishment of the Retraining and Reemployment Administration
Executive Order 9426—Authorizing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and Operate the Plants, Facilities, Installations and Other Properties in California and Nevada of the Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles, California
Executive Order 9425—Establishing the Surplus War Property Administration
Proclamation 2606—Red Cross Month, 1944
Executive Order 9424—Establishing in the United States Patent Office a Register of Government Interests in Patents and Applications for Patents
Proclamation 2605—The Flag of the United States
Executive Order 9423—Transfer of the War Relocation Authority to the Department of the Interior
Executive Order 9422—Ratifying the Use by the Army Air Forces of Certain Optical Glass
Proclamation 2604—Thomas Alva Edison Day, 1944
Proclamation 2603—Immigration Quota for Chinese
Executive Order 9421—Designating the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Executive Order 9420—Authorizing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Arkwright Corporation, Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates, Inc., Border City Manufacturing Company, Bourne Mills, Howard Arthur Mills, Richard Borden Manufacturing Company, and Sagamore Manufacturing Company, in and About Fall River, Massachusetts
Executive Order 9419—Bronze Star Medal
Executive Order 9418—Authorizing the War Food Administration to Place Orders With Other Agencies for Materials or Services to Be Obtained by Contract or Otherwise
Executive Order 9417—Establishing a War Refugee Board