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Proclamation 2529—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Maryland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8962—Amending Executive Order No. 7676 of July 26, 1937, Entitled "The Canal Zone Judiciary"
Executive Order 8961—Revocation of All Executive Orders or Parts Thereof Establishing Airspace Reservations Within the Continental Limits of the United States, Except the District of Columbia
Executive Order 8960—Amending Executive Order No. 8546 of September 24, 1940, Creating the Defense Communications Board and Defining Its Functions and Duties
Proclamation 2528—Enlarging the Pinnacles National Monument, California
Executive Order 8959—Designation of Mrs. Ruth W. Talley To Sign Land Patents
Executive Order 8956—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4411 of April 1, 1926, Withdrawing Public Lands for Classification and in Aid of Legislation
Executive Order 8957—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as Camp Sites
Executive Order 8958—Exemption of Nicholas W. Dorsey From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8955—Extending the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended, to Certain Positions in the War Department and in the Navy Department and Establishing a Salary Differential Therefor
Executive Order 8952—Revoking Executive Order No. 8458 of June 27, 1940, as, Amended by Executive Order No. 8532 of September 4, 1940, and Authorizing Persons Appointed from the Emergency Replacement List Established Pursuant to Such Orders to Acquire a Classified Civil Service Status
Executive Order 8953—Establishing Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Naval Defensive Sea Area
Executive Order 8954—Withdrawing Public Lands For the Use of the War Department
Proclamation 2524—Bill of Rights Day
Executive Order 8951—Modification of Executive Order No. 7070 of June 12, 1935, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Governing Appointments of Employees Paid From Emergency Funds
Executive Order 8950—Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over a Portion of the District of Columbia
Executive Order 8949—Exemption of Burt W. Andrews From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8948—Exemption of James J. Goutchey From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8947—Revocation of Executive Order No. 1474 of February 16, 1912, Withdrawing Public Land
Executive Order 8946—Authorizing the Appointment of James M. Bayles, John J. Bowe, James P. Boyce, Arthur E. Kelly, John F. Leganey, and Charles W. Moore to Classified Positions in Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules