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Executive Order 8875—Delegation and Coordination of Priority Authority
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Proclamation 2506—Control of the Export of Certain Articles and Materials
Executive Order 8873—Exemption of Fred E. Edwards From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8872—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Gunnery and Bombing Range
Executive Order 8871—Authorizing the United States Maritime Commission To Issue Warrants With Respect to Vessels
Executive Order 8870—Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Part of the Waimanalo Military Reservation to the Use of the Territory of Hawaii
Proclamation 2505—National Defense Pipe Line—Plantation Pipe Line System
Executive Order 8868—Secretary of Navy Authorized To Take Possession of Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company
Executive Order 8869—Waiving Compliance With Provisions of Law Relating to Masters, Officers, Members of the Crew, and Crew Accommodations on Certain Vessels
Executive Order 8866—Exemption of J. Brent Clarke From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8867—Transferring to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department a Certain Portion of the Military Reservation at "La Puntilla", San Juan, Puerto Rico
Proclamation 2504—Increasing Rate of Duty on Crab Meat
Executive Order 8863—Allocating the Quota Under the Inter-American Coffee Agreement for Countries Not Signatories of the Agreement
Executive Order 8865—Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department for Combat Firing Ranges and Maneuver Purposes
Executive Order 8862—Extending the Periods of Training and Service, Active Military Service, and Enlistment of Persons in or Subject to Training and Service or Active Military Service
Executive Order 8864—Placing Certain Public Lands Under the Control of the Secretary of the Interior
Executive Order 8860—Suspending the Provisions of the Saturday Half-Holiday Act of March 3, 1931, as to Certain Employees of the Federal Government in the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 8861—Revocation of Executive Orders Nos. 4109, 4262, and 4430 of December 8, 1924, July 3, 1925, and April 23, 1926, Respectively, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 8859—Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Mechanics and Laborers Employed by the War Department in the Construction of Public Works in the Territory of Hawaii Necessary for the National Defense
Executive Order 8858—Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Land From the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of War