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Executive Order 7984—Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1939
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 7983—Establishing the Breton Bird Refuge
Executive Order 7982—Exemption of Herman G. A. Brauer From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7980—Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 7981—Amendment of Subdivision IV, Schedule B, Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 7979—Cerro Pelado Ammunition Depot Military Reservation
Executive Order 7978—Exemption of George Middleton from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7977—Enlarging the St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge
Executive Order 7976—Establishing the Union Slough Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
Proclamation 2299—Fire Prevention Week, 1938
Executive Order 7974—Exemption of Alfred R. Gould From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7975-A—Designation of Independent Establishments and Agencies Under Section 6 of Executive Order No. 7916 of June 24, 1938
Executive Order 7975—Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior
Executive Order 7973—Exemption of Joseph H. Wheat From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 7972—Prescribing Regulations Governing Payment of Losses Sustained by Officers, Enlisted Men, and Employees of the United States While in Service in Foreign Countries on Account of Appreciation of Foreign Currencies in their Relation to the American Dollar
Executive Order 7971—Establishing Montezuma Migratory Bird Refuge
Executive Order 7970—Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1939
Proclamation 2298—Gold Star Mother's Day
Executive Order 7969—Partial Revocation of Executive Order of February 19, 1920, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 730
Executive Order 7968—Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States