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Executive Order 6673—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, Oregon
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Proclamation 2079—Copyright-Free City of Danzig
Executive Order 6670—Transfer of Functions of the Veterans' Administration Pertaining to Civil Service Retirement Activities to the Civil Service Commission
Executive Order 6671—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Arizona
Executive Order 6672—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Wyoming
Executive Order 6668—Veterans Regulation No. 1 (e)
Proclamation 2078—Child Health Day
Executive Order 6669—Veterans Regulation No. 12 (b)
Executive Order 6666—Revocation of Executive Order No. 4980, of October 20, 1928, Withdrawing Public Lands, Colorado
Executive Order 6667—Withdrawal Of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 6665—Waiver of Civil-Service Rule II to Permit the Appointment of Dr. John Bruce Arnold in the Treasury Department
Executive Order 6663—Exemption of Luther L. Browning from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6664—Waiver of Civil-Service Rule IX to Permit the Reinstatement of Miss Irene C. Claveloux in the General Accounting Office
Executive Order 6659—Code of Fair Competition for the Infants' and Children's Wear Industry
Executive Order 6657-A—Regulations for Payment of Losses Sustained by Officers, Enlisted Men, and Employees of the United States in Foreign Countries Due to Appreciation of Foreign Currencies in Their Relation to the American Dollar
Executive Order 6657—Regulations for Payment of Losses Sustained by Officers, Enlisted Men, and Employees of the United States in Foreign Countries Due to Appreciation of Foreign Currencies in Their Relation to the American Dollar
Executive Order 6655—Amendment of Schedule A, Subdivision VII, of the Civil-Service Rules
Executive Order 6656—Continuing the Functions of the Executive Committee on Commercial Policy
Executive Order 6658—Code of Fair Competition for the Shoe Rebuilding Trade
Executive Order 6660—Authorizing the Heads of Departments, Independent Establishments, and Emergency Agencies to Make Certain Expenditures out of Allocations from the Appropriation for National Industrial Recovery