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Memorandum on Establishing an Interagency Task Force on Federal Contracting Opportunities for Small Businesses
Barack Obama
Proclamation 8503—Earth Day, 2010
Executive Order 13539—President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Proclamation 8502—National Equal Pay Day, 2010
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions Under Section 1265 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
Executive Order 13538—Establishing the President's Management Advisory Board
Memorandum on a 21st Century Strategy for America's Great Outdoors
Proclamation 8498—National Park Week, 2010
Proclamation 8499—National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2010
Proclamation 8500—National Volunteer Week, 2010
Proclamation 8501—National Day of Service and Remembrance for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, 2010
Memorandum on Respecting the Rights of Hospital Patients To Receive Visitors and To Designate Surrogate Decision Makers for Medical Emergencies
Executive Order 13537—Interagency Group on Insular Affairs
Executive Order 13536—Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia
Proclamation 8497—Honoring the Victims of the Montcoal, West Virginia, Mine Disaster
Proclamation 8495—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2010
Proclamation 8496—National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2010
Proclamation 8494—National D.A.R.E. Day, 2010
Memorandum on Delegation of a Reporting Authority
Presidential Determination on Waiver of and Certification of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization Office
Presidential Determination on Waiver of Restriction on Providing Funds to the Palestinian Authority
Memorandum on Combating Noncompliance with Recovery Act Reporting Requirements
Proclamation 8493—National Financial Literacy Month, 2010
Proclamation 8492—National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, 2010
Proclamation 8491—National Donate Life Month, 2010
Proclamation 8489—National Cancer Control Month, 2010
Proclamation 8490—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2010
Proclamation 8487—Cesar Chavez Day, 2010
Proclamation 8488—Census Day, 2010
Memorandum on Withdrawal of Certain Areas of the United States Outer Continental Shelf From Leasing Disposition
Proclamation 8486—Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2010
Executive Order 13535—Ensuring Enforcement and Implementation of Abortion Restrictions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Proclamation 8485—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 2010
Memorandum on Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians
Proclamation 8484—National Poison Prevention Week, 2010
Executive Order 13534—National Export Initiative
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions Under Section 204(c) of the United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Nonproliferation Enhancement Act
Memorandum on Finding and Recapturing Improper Payments
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Proclamation 8483—Save Your Vision Week, 2010