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Proclamation 7263—Establishment of the Agua Fria National Monument
William J. Clinton
Memorandum on Providing Disaster Assistance to Venezuela
Executive Order 13144—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Memorandum on the Use of Information Technology
Memorandum on Electronic Government
Memorandum on Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Proclamation 7261—55th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge
Proclamation 7262—Wright Brothers Day, 1999
Proclamation 7260—Bicentennial Commemoration of the Death of George Washington
Memorandum on the Arkansas Delta Circuit Rider Pilot Project
Memorandum on Narrowing the Digital Divide
Memorandum on Improving Health Care Quality and Ensuring Patient Safety
Proclamation 7259—National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 1999
Proclamation 7258—Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 1999
Executive Order 13143—Amending Executive Order 10173, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Safeguarding of Vessels, Harbors, Ports, and Waterfront Facilities of the United States
Proclamation 7257—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, 1999
Proclamation 7256—World AIDS Day, 1999
Memorandum on Facilitating the Growth of Electronic Commerce
Memorandum on an International Family Planning Waiver
Proclamation 7255—Thanksgiving Day, 1999
Proclamation 7253—National Family Week, 1999
Proclamation 7254—National Family Caregivers Week, 1999
Executive Order 13142—Amendment to Executive Order 12958—Classified National Security Information
Proclamation 7251—National Great American Smokeout Day, 1999
Proclamation 7252—National Farm-City Week, 1999
Executive Order 13141—Environmental Review of Trade Agreements
Proclamation 7250—America Recycles Day, 1999
Proclamation 7249—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Responsible for Repression of the Civilian Population in Kosovo or for Policies That Obstruct Democracy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) ("FRY")
Memorandum on Assistance for Refugees and Victims of the Timor and North Caucasus Crises
Notice—Continuation of Emergency Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
Proclamation 7248—Veterans Day, 1999
Memorandum on Protecting Consumers From Fraud
Notice—Continuation of Iran Emergency
Proclamation 7247—National American Indian Heritage Month, 1999
Proclamation 7246—Child Mental Health Month, 1999
Notice—Continuation of Sudanese Emergency
Memorandum on Assistance to the Iraqi National Congress
Memorandum on Labor-Management Partnerships
Proclamation 7245—National Adoption Month, 1999
Memorandum on the Report to the Congress Regarding Conditions in Burma and U.S. Policy Toward Burma