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Proclamation 8861—Honoring the Victims of the Attack in Benghazi, Libya
Barack Obama
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism
Proclamation 8860—Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, 2012
Executive Order 13626—Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration
Memorandum on the Continuation of the Exercise of Certain Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act
Proclamation 8858—National Grandparents Day, 2012
Proclamation 8859—National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2012
Proclamation 8852—National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, 2012
Proclamation 8857—Labor Day, 2012
Proclamation 8856—National Wilderness Month, 2012
Proclamation 8854—National Preparedness Month, 2012
Proclamation 8850—National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2012
Proclamation 8855—National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2012
Proclamation 8853—National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2012
Proclamation 8851—National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, 2012
Executive Order 13625—Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families
Executive Order 13624—Accelerating Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions and Authority Under Section 5(a) of the Tom Lantos Block Burmese Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts Act of 2008
Proclamation 8849—Death of Neil A. Armstrong
Proclamation 8848—Women's Equality Day, 2012
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Export Control Regulations
Executive Order 13623—Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls Globally
Memorandum on Continuation of United States Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Colombia
Proclamation 8846—Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Oak Creek, Wisconsin
Proclamation 8847—National Health Center Week, 2012
Executive Order 13622—Authorizing Additional Sanctions With Respect to Iran
Proclamation 8844—National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2012
Proclamation 8845—World Hepatitis Day, 2012
Proclamation 8843—Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2012
Executive Order 13621—White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Actions of Certain Persons To Undermine the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes or Institutions
Proclamation 8842—Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Aurora, Colorado
Executive Order 13620—Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to Somalia
Memorandum on Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Protections
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Transnational Criminal Organizations
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Former Liberian Regime of Charles Taylor
Proclamation 8841—Captive Nations Week, 2012
Memorandum on Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions Under Section 570(e) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997