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Executive Order 10699—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared-Value Excess-Profits, Capital-Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Government Operations
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Executive Order 10698—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10648, Restoring Certain Portions of the Fort Ruger Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Memorandum Regarding the 1957 Red Cross Campaign.
Executive Order 10697—Tariff of United States Foreign Service Fees
Proclamation 3169—Dorchester Day, 1957
Proclamation 3168—National Junior Achievement Week, 1957
Executive Order 10696—Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Railway Express Agency, Incorporated, and Certain of Its Employees Represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America
Memorandum Regarding the 1957 Federal Service Campaign for National Health Agencies.
Executive Order 10695-A—Radio Frequencies
Executive Order 10695—Revoking Paragraph 2(b) of Executive Order No. 10096 of January 23, 1950, Entitled "Providing for a Uniform Patent Policy for the Government With Respect to Inventions Made by Government Employees and for the Administration of Such Policy"
Executive Order 10694—Authorizing the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force To Issue Citations in the Name of the President of the United States to Military and Naval Units for Outstanding Performance in Action
Proclamation 3167—Sesquicentennial of the Coast and Geodetic Survey
Executive Order 10692—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9080, To Provide for the Designation of Members of the Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission by the Secretary of Defense
Executive Order 10693—Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees
Memorandum Authorizing Expenditures To Carry Out the Hungarian Refugee Program.
Proclamation 3166—United Nation Human Rights Day, 1956
Executive Order 10691—Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company and Certain of Its Employees Represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
Executive Order 10690—Suspension of Compliance With Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 10689—Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States
Executive Order 10688—Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Portions of the Waianae-Kai Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Proclamation 3164—Oklahoma Semi-Centennial Celebration
Executive Order 10687—Suspension of a Portion of Section 5762(a) of Title 10 of the United States Code Relating to the Recommendation of Officers for Promotion to Certain Grades
Proclamation 3165—United States World Fair
Proclamation 3163—Thanksgiving Day, 1956
Executive Order 10686—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10154, Designating Certain Officers of the Post Office Department To Act as Postmaster General
Executive Order 10685—Providing for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended
Executive Order 10684—Including Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest
Proclamation 3161—National Olympic Day, 1956
Proclamation 3162—Veteran's Day, 1956
Executive Order 10683—Including Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest
Executive Order 10681—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10152, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Incentive Pay for the Performance of Hazardous Duty
Executive Order 10682—Amendment of Section 2(c) of Executive Order 10530, Delegating to the Civil Service Commission the Authority of the President To Exempt Certain Employees From Automatic Separation From the Service
Memorandum for Arthur S. Flemming, Director of Defense Mobilization, Concerning the Distribution of Petroleum Supplies.
Executive Order 10680—Designating the International Finance Corporation as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Proclamation 3160—Further Supplementing Proclamation 2761A of December 16, 1947 With Respect to Certain Woolen Textiles
Proclamation 3159—Columbus Day, 1956
Proclamation 3156—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1956
Proclamation 3157—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1956
Executive Order 10678—Administration of the Functions of the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission
Executive Order 10679—Withholding of Compensation of Certain Civilian Employees of the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard for State Employee Retirement System Purposes
Proclamation 3158—Immigration Quota—Tunisia
Proclamation 3155—Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial
Proclamation 3154—American Education Week, 1956
Executive Order 10676—Designating the World Meteorological Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Executive Order 10677—Amendment of Executive Order 10629, as Amended, To Authorize Enlistments in the Ready Reserve of the Air Force Reserve
Proclamation 3153—National Farm-City Week, 1956
Proclamation 3151—Constitution Week, 1956
Proclamation 3152—Modification of Restrictions on Imports Certain Virginia-Type Peanuts
Proclamation 3150—National Day of Prayer, 1956
Executive Order 10675—Amendment of Section 203 of Executive Order 10577 of November 22, 1954, Providing for the Conversion of Certain Career-Conditional Appointments to Career Appointments
Memorandum on United Fund and Community Chest Campaigns.
Proclamation 3149—Fire Prevention Week, 1956
Executive Order 10674—Exempting Certain Officers and Employees in the Executive Branch of the Government From Automatic Separation From the Service
Executive Order 10673—Fitness of American Youth
Proclamation 3148—Establishing the Edison Laboratory National Monument—New Jersey
Executive Order 10672—Withholding of District of Columbia Income Taxes by Federal Agencies
Memorandum on the United Givers Fund Campaign in the National Capital Area.
Proclamation 3147—Immigration Quota
Proclamation 3145—Modification of Restrictions on Imports of Long-Staple Cotton
Proclamation 3146—Modifying Proclamation No. 3140 Carrying Out the Sixth Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade