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Executive Order 13721—Developing an Integrated Global Engagement Center To Support Government-wide Counterterrorism Communications Activities Directed Abroad and Revoking Executive Order 13584
Barack Obama
Proclamation 9406—To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under Section 11 of the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2012
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Proclamation 9405—Death of Nancy Reagan
Proclamation 9404—National Consumer Protection Week, 2016
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Venezuela
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Ukraine
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Zimbabwe
Proclamation 9403—Read Across America Day, 2016
Memorandum on Limiting the Use of Restrictive Housing by the Federal Government
Proclamation 9400—Irish-American Heritage Month, 2016
Proclamation 9401—National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, 2016
Proclamation 9402—Women's History Month, 2016
Proclamation 9399—American Red Cross Month, 2016
Executive Order 13720—Delegation of Certain Authorities and Assignment of Certain Functions under the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015
Proclamation 9398—Modifying and Continuing the National Emergency With Respect to Cuba and Continuing To Authorize the Regulation of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Libya
Proclamation 9397—Death of Antonin Scalia
Proclamation 9396—Establishment of the Sand to Snow National Monument
Proclamation 9394—Establishment of the Castle Mountains National Monument
Proclamation 9395—Establishment of the Mojave Trails National Monument
Executive Order 13718—Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity
Executive Order 13719—Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council
Sequestration Order for Fiscal Year 2017 Pursuant to Section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as Amended
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Situation in or in Relation to Côte d'Ivoire
Executive Order 13717—Establishing a Federal Earthquake Risk Management Standard
Proclamation 9391—American Heart Month, 2016
Proclamation 9392—National African American History Month, 2016
Proclamation 9393—National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, 2016
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Authority and Assignment of Certain Functions Under Section 103(a)(1)(A) and Section 103(b)(1) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015
Memorandum on the White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016
Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Executive Order 13716—Revocation of Executive Orders 13574, 13590, 13622, and 13645 With Respect to Iran, Amendment of Executive Order 13628 With Respect to Iran, and Provision of Implementation Authorities for Aspects of Certain Statutory Sanctions Outside the Scope of U.S. Commitments Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of July 14, 2015
Proclamation 9389—Religious Freedom Day, 2016
Proclamation 9390—Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2016
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under Section 103(b)(2) of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, as Amended
Memorandum on Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs
Proclamation 9388—To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act
Memorandum on Promoting Smart Gun Technology
Proclamation 9385—National Mentoring Month, 2016
Proclamation 9386—National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2016
Proclamation 9387—National Stalking Awareness Month, 2016
Proclamation 9384—To Modify the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
Proclamation 9383—To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and for Other Purposes
Executive Order 13715—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Proclamation 9382—Wright Brothers Day, 2015
Executive Order 13714—Strengthening the Senior Executive Service
Proclamation 9381—Bill of Rights Day, 2015
Executive Order 13713—Half-Day Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Thursday, December 24, 2015
Proclamation 9380—Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week, 2015
Proclamation 9378—150th Anniversary of the 13th Amendment
Proclamation 9379—National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2015
Proclamation 9377—Honoring the Victims of the Attack in San Bernardino, California
Proclamation 9375—Helsinki Human Rights Day, 2015
Proclamation 9376—International Day of Persons With Disabilities, 2015
Memorandum on Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Memorandum on Delegation of Reporting Functions Specified in Section 941 of the Fiscal Year 2014 National Defense Authorization Act
Proclamation 9373—National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, 2015