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Executive Order 6253—Code of Fair Competition for the Fishing Tackle Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6255—Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber and Timber Products Industries
Executive Order 6256—Code of Fair Competition for the Petroleum Industry
Executive Order 6257—Code of Fair Competition for the Photographic Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6251—Designating the Federal Power Commission as an Agency to Aid the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works
Proclamation 2053—Extending the Powers Granted to the Comptroller of the Currency by the Joint Resolution of February 25, 1933, for a Period of Six Months
Executive Order 6250—Code of Fair Competition for the Legitimate Full Length Dramatic and Musical Theatrical Industry
Executive Order 6248—Code of Fair Competition for the Corset and Brassiere Industry
Executive Order 6249—Code of Fair Competition for the Lace Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6246—Administration of the National Industrial Recovery Act