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Executive Order 5174—Amending Executive Order No. 4679 of June 29, 1927, Describing the Boundaries of Pupukea Military Reservation, Territory of Hawaii
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5175—Authorizing the Appointment of Marjorie M. Noone Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5173—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians on the Yankton Sioux Reservation in South Dakota
Executive Order 5172—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Resurvey, Montana
Executive Order 5170—Amending Schedule B of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5171—Amending Schedule A and Schedule B of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5169—Abolishing Souris, North Dakota as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 5151—Amending Executive Order No. 1713 Reserving Certain Described Islands in Washington for Public Purposes
Executive Order 5167—Authorizing the Appointment of Robert F. Kerkam Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5168—Authorizing the Appointment of Myrtle B. Shely Without Regard to Civil Service Rules