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Proclamation 1605—Extension of Time for Payments for Crow Indian Lands, Montana
Warren G. Harding
Executive Order 3524—Advisory Authority of Fine Arts Commission
Executive Order 3489—Alaskan Railroad Townsite Regulations
Executive Order 3474—Transferring Naval Petroleum Reserves in California and Wyoming, and Naval Shale Reserves in Colorado and Utah, Under the Control of the Interior Secretary, Under Supervision of the President
Executive Order 3466—Death of Chief Justice White
Executive Order 3464—Uintah Indian Reservation, Utah
Proclamation—Amendments of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Regulations
Executive Order 3457—Temporary Stop-Overs at Ports of the United States Without Visaed Passports
Executive Order 3455—Civil Service in Postmaster Appointments
Proclamation—Poland and Danzig-Suspension of Tonnage Dues