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Proclamation 8584—Columbus Day, 2010
Barack Obama
Memorandum of Disapproval on the "Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010"
Statement on the Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo
Proclamation 8583—National School Lunch Week, 2010
Memorandum on Fiscal Year 2011 Refugee Admissions Numbers and Authorizations of In-Country Refugee Status
Letter to Congressional Leaders Certifying Exports to the People's Republic of China
Proclamation 8582—General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2010
Proclamation 8581—Leif Erikson Day, 2010
Remarks at a Reception for Senatorial Candidate Alexi Giannoulias in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks at a Rally for Governor Martin J. O'Malley of Maryland in Bowie, Maryland