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Remarks at a Fundraiser Event for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Barack Obama
Proclamation 8393—Father's Day, 2009
Notice on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation Created by the Accumulation of Weapons-Usable Fissile Material in the Territory of the Russian Federation
Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation Created by the Accumulation of Weapons-Usable Fissile Material in the Territory of the Russian Federation
Remarks on Signing a Memorandum on Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination
Remarks on Financial Regulatory Reform
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Financial Regulators
Statement on Signing a Memorandum on Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination and Support of Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Legislation
Memorandum on Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination
The President's News Conference With President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea