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Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
George W. Bush
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Michel Sleiman of Lebanon
Executive Order 13473—To Authorize Certain Noncompetitive Appointments in the Civil Service for Spouses of Certain Members of the Armed Forces
Memorandum on Assignment of Function Under Section 203(e)(2)(A) of the Andean Trade Preference Act, as Amended
Address to the Nation on the National Economy
Remarks During a Discussion With President Elias Antonio Saca Gonzale of El Salvador in New York City
Remarks to Leaders of the Western Hemisphere in New York City
Statement on Provincial Elections Legislation in Iraq
Proclamation 8293—Gold Star Mother's Day, 2008
Remarks at a Dinner Hosted by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations in New York City