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Statement on Easing Sanctions Against North Korea
William J. Clinton
Remarks at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Dinner in Austin
Remarks at a Southwest Voter Registration Education Project Reception in Houston, Texas
Memorandum on United States-Israel Cooperation on Affordable Housing and Community Development
Statement on the Ethiopia-Eritrea Cease-Fire Agreement
The President's Radio Address
Statement on the Anniversary of the Geneva Protocol of 1925
Statement on Senate Action on Electronic Signatures Legislation
Remarks at a Reception for Representative Edolphus Towns in New York City
Remarks on the "VH1 Save The Music Today" Campaign in New York City
Interview With Matt Lauer of NBC's "Today" Show in New York City
Interview With Rebecca Rankin of VH1 in New York City
Remarks at Abigail Adams Elementary School in New York City
Memorandum on Joint Guidance on Supporting Responsible Fatherhood Efforts
Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the Deployment of United States Military Personnel as Part of the Kosovo International Security Force
Proclamation 7323—Father's Day, 2000
Memorandum on Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Authority and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Reception for Mayor Anthony A. Williams of the District of Columbia
Remarks at the White House Strategy Session on Improving Hispanic Student Achievement