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Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the National Emergency With Respect to the Lapse of the Export Administration Act of 1979
William J. Clinton
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Statement on the 27th Anniversary of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Statement on Federal Reserve Board Action on Collection of Information Concerning Loan Applicants
Memorandum on a Protocol to the Canada-United States Atomic Energy Agreement
Remarks to Kosovar Refugees at Stenkovic I Refugee Camp in Skopje
Statement on Senate Action on Steel Imports Limitation Legislation
Remarks to Operation Allied Force Troops at Aviano Air Base in Italy
Remarks Following Discussions With President Kiro Gligorov of Macedonia in Skopje
Remarks to Kosovo International Security Force Troops in Skopje
Statement on the Supreme Court Decision on the Americans with Disabilities Act
Remarks Following Discussions With European Union Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters in Bonn
Videotaped Address to the People of Albania
Exchange With Reporters Following Discussions With Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek of Slovenia in Ljubljana
Remarks at a Dinner Hosted by President Milan Kucan of Slovenia in Ljubljana
United States-European Union Summit Statement on Ukraine
Remarks to the People of Ljubljana
Interview With Wolf Blitzer of Cable News Network's "Late Edition" in Cologne
Interview With Yevgeniy Kiselev of Russia's NTV in Cologne
Joint Statement Between the United States and the Russian Federation Concerning Strategic Offensive and Defensive Arms and Further Strengthening of Stability