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Memorandum on Funding for the African Crisis Response Initiative
William J. Clinton
Remarks to the 52d Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty With Documentation
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Foreign Minister Yevgeniy Primakov of Russia and an Exchange With Reporters in New York City
Remarks at a Luncheon Hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in New York City
Message on the 50th Anniversary of the National Security Council
Memorandum on Contributions to the International Fund for Ireland
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner in San Francisco
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Luncheon in San Francisco, California
The President's Radio Address
Remarks at a Saxophone Club Reception in San Francisco
Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on Charter Schools at the San Carlos Charter Learning Center in San Carlos, California
Proclamation 7024—Minority Enterprise Development Week, 1997
Statement on the Study by the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
Proclamation 7025—National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 1997
Proclamation 7026—National Farm Safety and Health Week, 1997
Statement on the Helicopter Tragedy in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Australia-United States Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty With Documentation
Remarks on the 50th Anniversary of the United States Air Force in Arlington, Virginia
Message to the Congress Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Iran