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The President's Radio Address
William J. Clinton
Remarks in La Center, Kentucky
Remarks to the Annual General Session of the Democratic National Committee in Chicago
Message on the Observance of Labor Day, 1996
Remarks in Paducah, Kentucky
Remarks on Beginning a Bus Tour in Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Memorandum on Determinations Under Section 203 of the Trade Act of 1974 and Section 304 of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act Concerning Broom Corn Brooms
Interview With Tabitha Soren of MTV
Remarks at the Democratic National Committee Post-Convention Celebration in Chicago
Remarks in Cairo, Illinois
Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Statement on the Resignation of Political Consultant Dick Morris
Executive Order 13016—Amendment to Executive Order 12580
Remarks in Battle Creek, Michigan
Remarks on Concluding a Whistlestop Tour in Michigan City, Indiana
Remarks in Kalamazoo, Michigan
Remarks at the University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois
Memorandum on Reconfirmation of Findings With Respect to the Trade Agreement With Moldova
Remarks in Pontiac, Michigan
Remarks in Wyandotte, Michigan