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Statement on Welfare Reform
William J. Clinton
Remarks on Presenting the National Medals of Science and Technology
Statement on the Death of Hector Garcia
Remarks Prior to a Meeting on TWA Flight 800 Recovery Efforts in Jamaica, New York
Statement on Senate Action on Health Care and Minimum Wage Legislation
Remarks Announcing Measures To Improve Aviation Safety and Security in Jamaica, New York
Proclamation 6910—National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 1996
Proclamation 6911—Parents' Day, 1996
Statement on Senate Action on Food Quality Protection Legislation
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on United States Activities in the United Nations
Remarks to the McClellan Air Force Base Local Redevelopment Authority and an Exchange With Reporters in Sacramento
Statement on the Death of Hamilton Fish, Jr.
Remarks at a Democratic Dinner in San Francisco, California
Remarks to the Community in Sacramento, California
Message to the Congress on Economic Sanctions Against Libya
Remarks at the Asian-American Democratic Dinner in Los Angeles, California
Notice on the Continuation of a National Emergency with Respect to Iraq
Remarks in Monrovia, California
Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iraq
Remarks to the Community in Denver