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Remarks at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, Oklahoma
William J. Clinton
Proclamation 6880—National Day of Remembrance of the Oklahoma City Bombing
Remarks at the Plaque Dedication Ceremony for the New YMCA Day Care Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Executive Order 12998—Amendment to Executive Order No. 11880
Memorandum on Designation of the Acting Secretary of Commerce
Remarks Following a Memorial Service for Secretary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown
Memorandum on Determination Under the Heading "International Organizations and Programs" in Title IV of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act for FY 1996: U.S. Contribution to the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO)
Proclamation 6878—Death of Those Aboard U.S. Air Force Aircraft in Croatia
Message on the Observance of Easter, 1996
Statement on Signing the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996
Message on the Observance of Passover, 1996
Remarks to Commerce Department Employees on the Aircraft Tragedy in Croatia
The President's News Conference With President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro of Italy
Interview With Jon Miller and Fred Manfra of WBAL Radio in Baltimore, Maryland
Proclamation 6877—National Day of Prayer, 1996
Remarks Welcoming President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro of Italy
Interview With Mel Proctor, Jim Palmer, and Mike Flanagan of Home Team Sports in Baltimore
Remarks at a Dinner Honoring President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro of Italy
Memorandum on Delegation of Responsibilities Under Section 1208 of Title XII of Public Law 104-106
Executive Order 12997—Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization