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Memorandum on the Argentina-United States Nuclear Energy Agreement
William J. Clinton
Letter to Representative John Conyers, Jr., on Abortion Legislation
Statement on the Northern Ireland Peace Process
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Uzbekistan-United States Investment Treaty
Order—Further Designation Under Executive Order No. 12958
Teleconference Remarks to the National Emergency Management Association
Proclamation 6866—American Red Cross Month, 1996
Statement on Tax Provisions for United States Troops in Bosnia
Remarks Welcoming the World Series Champion Atlanta Braves
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Citizens Medal to Bernice Young Jones
Remarks Announcing Sanctions Against Cuba Following the Downing of American Civilian Aircraft
Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in Israel
Statement on the Peace Vigil in Northern Ireland
Remarks on the Downing of American Civilian Aircraft by Cuba and an Exchange With Reporters in Shoreline, Washington
Memorandum on the Manual on School Uniforms
Remarks to the Community in Long Beach
The President's Radio Address
Remarks Prior to a Roundtable Discussion on School Uniforms in Long Beach, California
Remarks to the Community in Shoreline
Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Deferrals and Rescissions