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Message to the Congress Transmitting Budget Deferrals
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 12977—Interagency Security Committee
Remarks on Presenting the National Medals of Science and Technology
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With the Initial Base Adjustment Strategy Committee in San Antonio, Texas
Remarks to the Community at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio
Remarks at a Dinner in Houston, Texas
Remarks at the University of Texas at Austin
Remarks at a Luncheon in Dallas, Texas
Remarks at the Concert For Hope in Hollywood, California
Remarks at the Dedication of the Thomas J. Dodd Archives and Research Center in Storrs, Connecticut
Remarks at the University of Connecticut in Storrs
Proclamation 6841—National Character Counts Week, 1995
Proclamation 6842—National Forest Products Week, 1995
The President's Radio Address
Proclamation 6840—White Cane Safety Day, 1995
Remarks to the Business Council in Williamsburg, Virginia
Statement on Signing the Small Business Lending Enhancement Act of 1995
Remarks at a Celebration of the Anniversary of the Restoration of Democracy in Haiti
Remarks at a Swearing-In Ceremony for AmeriCorps Volunteers
Teleconference Remarks With Rural Hospital Administrators and an Exchange With Reporters