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Proclamation 6824—National Rehabilitation Week, 1995
William J. Clinton
Proclamation 6823—National Hispanic Heritage Month, 1995
Executive Order 12970—Further Amendment to Executive Order No. 12864
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Representatives From Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks to the National Family Partnership in Elkridge, Maryland
Statement on the Normalization Agreement Between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Proclamation 6822—National Farm Safety and Health Week, 1995
Statement on the Commission on Immigration Reform
Remarks on the First Anniversary of AmeriCorps and an Exchange With Reporters
Memorandum on Career Transition Assistance for Federal Employees
Proclamation 6821—To Establish a Tariff-Rate Quota on Certain Tobacco, Eliminate Tariffs on Certain Other Tobacco, and for Other Purposes
Teleconference Remarks on Education and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on the Legislative Agenda and an Exchange With Reporters
Roundtable Discussion With Students on Student Loans at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois
Remarks to the Community in Carbondale
The President's Radio Address
Statement on the Death of Jamie Whitten
Proclamation 6820—Classical Music Month, 1995
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Budget Deferral
Memorandum on the Trading With the Enemy Act