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Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Presidential Authorities Under the African Conflict Resolution Act of 1994
William J. Clinton
Remarks to the National Governors' Association Summit on Young Children in Baltimore, Maryland
Remarks on the National Homeownership Strategy
Memorandum on Assistance to the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Interview With Larry King
The President's Radio Address
Proclamation 6807—National Homeownership Day, 1995
Memorandum on Trade With Former Eastern Bloc States
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Most-Favored-Nation Trade Status for China
Remarks on the Downing of a United States Aircraft in Bosnia
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Most-Favored-Nation Trade Status for Former Eastern Bloc States
Remarks to the NCAA Men's and Women's Basketball Champions
Memorandum on Trade With China
Remarks at a Town Meeting in Billings, Montana
Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion With Farmers and Agricultural Leaders in Broadview, Montana
Remarks to the Community in Billings
Remarks at the United States Air Force Academy Commencement Ceremony in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Interview With the United States Air Force News in Colorado Springs
Remarks to the Community at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs
Interview With Jim Gransbery of the Billings Gazette in Billings, Montana