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Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on the Oklahoma City Bombing
William J. Clinton
Statement Announcing the Award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Gaylord Nelson
Statement on Senator David Pryor's Decision Not To Seek Reelection
The President's News Conference With President Fernando Cardoso of Brazil
Proclamation 6788—Jewish Heritage Week, 1995
Memorandum on Employees Affected by the Oklahoma City Bombing
Remarks at the State Dinner for President Fernando Cardoso of Brazil
Proclamation 6786—Victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing
Remarks Welcoming President Fernando Cardoso of Brazil
Proclamation 6787—National D.A.R.E. Day, 1995
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Tansu Ciller of Turkey
Remarks on the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Statement on Reform of Regulations Implementing the Community Reinvestment Act
Letter to Governor Frank Keating on Disaster Assistance to Oklahoma City
Letter to Federal Emergency Management Agency Director James Lee Witt on Disaster Assistance to Oklahoma City
The President's News Conference
Statement on the Crash of an Air Force C-21 in Alabama
Remarks at the White House Easter Egg Roll
Executive Order 12958—Classified National Security Information
Remarks on Signing the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act of 1995