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Remarks on Signing the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act of 1995
William J. Clinton
The President's Radio Address
Interview With Wolf Blitzer and Judy Woodruff of CNN
Remarks on Arrival at Fort Benning, Georgia
Remarks at the Franklin D. Roosevelt 50th Anniversary Commemoration in Warm Springs, Georgia
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan
Statement on Signing Self-Employed Health Insurance Legislation
Remarks to Working Women
Statement on Signing the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions for the Department of Defense to Preserve and Enhance Military Readiness Act of 1995
Proclamation 6784—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1995
Proclamation 6785—Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 1995
Message on the Observance of Passover, 1995
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on Haiti
Message on the Observance of Easter, 1995
Remarks at the United Jewish Fund Luncheon in Los Angeles
Remarks at the National Education Association School Safety Summit in Los Angeles, California
Remarks to the California Democratic Party in Sacramento
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Dallas, Texas
Remarks to AmeriCorps Volunteers in Dallas