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Statement on Signing the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994
William J. Clinton
Memorandum on Implementation of Safe Schools Legislation
The President's News Conference
Remarks at the Kennedy-King Dinner in Alexandria, Virginia
Memorandum on World AIDS Day, 1994
Remarks at a Rally for Democratic Candidates in Framingham
Remarks on Departure From the Rally for Democratic Candidates in Framingham
Executive Order 12933—Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Certain Contracts
Proclamation 6747—United Nations Day, 1994
Remarks on Signing the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 in Framingham, Massachusetts
Statement on Maritime Legislation
Remarks at a Dinner for Governor Mario Cuomo in New York City
Interview With Marjorie Clapprood of WRKO Radio, Boston, Massachusetts
Statement on Flooding and Tornadoes in Georgia
Remarks to the Governor's Leadership Conference in New York City
Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Tel Aviv, Israel
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting an Immigration Report
Remarks on the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles
Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting Budget Deferrals
Remarks on the Nuclear Agreement With North Korea