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Executive Order 12932—Termination of Emergency With Respect to Haiti
William J. Clinton
Message on the Observance of National Arts and Humanities Month
Remarks on the Restoration of Haitian Democracy
Proclamation 6743—National Character Counts Week, 1994
Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Haiti
Statement on Signing the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994
Remarks to the National Association of Police Organizations
Statement on Signing the Federal Crop Insurance Reform and Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994
Statement on the Cease-Fire in Northern Ireland
Remarks on Signing the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994
Statement on Disaster Assistance for Georgia
Statement on Signing the Government Management Reform Act of 1994
Executive Order 12931—Federal Procurement Reform
Statement on the Arts and Humanities Awards Recipients
Proclamation 6740—To Establish Tariff-Rate Quotas on Certain Wheat
Statement on the National Award for Museum Service
Teleconference Remarks to Broadcasters Associations
Memorandum on Federal Procurement
Proclamation 6739—National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 1994
Remarks Announcing Community Policing Grants