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Remarks to Pathmark Employees in New York City
William J. Clinton
Remarks to the Community in Warwick, Rhode Island
Remarks Announcing the Appointment of William H. Gray III as Special Adviser on Haiti and an Exchange With Reporters
The President's Radio Address
Message to the Congress on Additional Economic Sanctions Against Haiti
Executive Order 12914—Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Haiti
Proclamation 6685—Suspension of Entry of Aliens Whose Entry Is Barred Under United Nations Security Council Resolution 917 or Who Formulate, Implement, or Benefit From Policies That Are Impeding the Negotiations Seeking the Return to Constitutional Rule in Haiti
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad of Malaysia
Remarks on Women's Health Care
Statement on the Death of Mike Walsh
Proclamation 6684—National Walking Week, 1994
Remarks to the NCAA Champion Lake Superior State University Hockey Team
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the National Endowment for Democracy
Remarks Announcing Assistance to South Africa
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report on Federal Advisory Committees
Remarks on Action by the House of Representatives on Legislation To Ban Assault Weapons and an Exchange With Reporters
Proclamation 6683—Mother's Day, 1994
Remarks at a Cinco de Mayo Celebration
Remarks on Legislation To Ban Assault Weapons and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Honoring the Small Business Person of the Year