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Statement by the Presidents of the United States, Russia, and Ukraine
William J. Clinton
Remarks at a Reception in Moscow
Remarks at a Welcoming Ceremony in Moscow, Russia
Memorandum on Provision of Assistance to Jordan for Fiscal Year 1994
The President's News Conference With President Leonid Kravchuk of Ukraine in Kiev
The President's News Conference With Visegrad Leaders in Prague
Exchange With Reporters Prior To Discussions With President Michal Kovac of the Slovak Republic in Prague
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Following Discussions With President Václav Havel of the Czech Republic in Prague
The President's News Conference With European Union Leaders in Brussels
The President's News Conference in Brussels
Remarks to the American Business Community in Brussels
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters in Brussels
Remarks to the North Atlantic Council in Brussels
Letter on Withdrawal of the Nomination of Morton H. Halperin To Be an Assistant Secretary of Defense
Exchange With Reporters in Brussels, Belgium
Remarks to the American Diplomatic Community in Brussels
Remarks to Citizens in Brussels
Remarks to Future Leaders of Europe in Brussels
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene of Belgium in Brussels