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Memorandum on Assistance Program for Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
William J. Clinton
Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on Sanctions Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
Remarks to Senior Citizens
Proclamation 6634—International Year of the Family, 1994
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez of Spain
Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and Prime Minister Robert Malval of Haiti and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Creative Artists Agency Reception in Beverly Hills, California
The President's Radio Address
Remarks to Employees at Rockwell International in Canoga Park
Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on the California Economy in Canoga Park, California
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on Health Care in Bernalillo, New Mexico
Statement on Signing the Hazard Mitigation and Relocation Assistance Act of 1993
Memorandum on Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended
Proclamation 6633—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, 1993
Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the "Celebration '94" Reception in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Statement on the Technology Reinvestment Project
Remarks to the Democratic Leadership Council
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Notice on Continuation of Libyan Emergency
Statement on Implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement