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Statement on Signing the Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993
William J. Clinton
Statement on the Retirement of Michael Jordan From the Chicago Bulls
Statement on the Arts and Humanities Awards Recipients
Proclamation 6603—Mental Illness Awareness Week, 1993
Proclamation 6604—German-American Day, 1993
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the American Association of Retired Persons in Culver City, California
Statement on Rebuilding the Cypress Freeway in California
Statement Announcing the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Statement on the Retirement of House Republican Leader Robert Michel
Remarks to the AFL-CIO Convention in San Francisco, California
Message to the Congress on Whaling Activities of Norway
Memorandum on the Freedom of Information Act
Exchange With Reporters in San Francisco
Proclamation 6602—Child Health Day, 1993
Remarks to the Community and an Exchange With Reporters in San Francisco
Remarks to the Community in Sacramento, California
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on Russia
Remarks in a Town Meeting in Sacramento
The President's Radio Address
Statement on Emergency Assistance to Earthquake Victims in India