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Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada
William J. Clinton
Memorandum on Determination Under Section 402(d)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as Amended-Continuation of Waiver Authority
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters During a Luncheon With Business Leaders
Remarks to the Community in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Remarks to Bay View Community Members in Milwaukee
Exchange With Reporters in Milwaukee
Remarks at a Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
Memorandum on Trade Agreements
Proclamation 6568—Time for the National Observance of the Fiftieth Annivsary of World War II, 1993
Memorandum on Withdrawal of Russian Armed Forces From Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia
Remarks at a Memorial Day Ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Remarks on the Observance of the 50th Anniversary of World War II
Remarks Announcing White House Staff Changes and an Exchange With Reporters
The President's Radio Address
Remarks at the United States Military Academy Commencement Ceremony in West Point, New York
Proclamation 6566—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1993
Statement on Most-Favored-Nation Trade Status for China
Executive Order 12850—Conditions for Renewal of Most-Favored-Nation Status for the Peoples Republic of China in 1994
Proclamation 6567—Emergency Medical Services Week, 1993 and 1994
Teleconference Remarks With Veterans in VA Medical Centers