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Proclamation 6559—Mother's Day, 1993
William J. Clinton
Exchange With Reporters on Bosnia
Remarks to the Export-Import Bank Conference
Memorandum on Determination Under the Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982
Exchange With Reporters on Health Care Reform
Remarks on Presenting the Commander in Chief Trophy to the U.S. Air Force Academy Football Team
Proclamation 6558—National Walking Week, 1993
Remarks at the Tribute to Senator J. William Fulbright
Remarks on Welcoming Military Personnel Returning From Somalia
Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation on National Service and Student Loan Reform
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the Canada-U.S.. Free Trade Agreement
Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Leaders
Remarks at the "Latino USA" Reception
Remarks on the Observance of National Nurses Week and an Exchange With Reporters
Teleconference Remarks on Empowerment Zones and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Democratic Congressional Dinner
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Governor Chris Patten of Hong Kong
Memorandum on Transfer of $5 Million in FY 1993 Foreign Military Financing Funds to the Peacekeeping Operations Account for Enforcement of Sanctions Against Serbia and Montenegro
Remarks on Signing the Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month Proclamation
Proclamation 6557—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, 1993