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Proclamation 6491—To Suspend the Davis-Bacon Act of March 3, 1931, Within a Limited Geographic Area in Response to the National Emergency Caused by Hurricianes Andrew and Iniki
George Bush
Statement on Signing the Advisory Council on California Indian Policy Act of 1992
Executive Order 12816—Management Improvement in the Federal Government
Proclamation 6492—National Occupational Therapy Day, 1992
Letter to Congressional Leaders on the Partial Suspension of the Davis-Bacon Act
Statement on Signing the Instrument of Ratification for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Remarks on Signing the Benjamin National Franklin Memorial Commemorative Medal and Fire Service Bill of Rights Act in Springfield, Pennsylvania
Remarks to the Community in Holland, Michigan
Remarks to the Community in Springfield
Remarks to Farm and Business Groups in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Presidential Debate in St. Louis
Remarks on Arrival in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks to the Community in St. Louis
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Report of the White House Conference on Indian Education
Proclamation 6489—Energy Awareness Month, 1992
Proclamation 6490—National Children's Day, 1992
Remarks to the National Fraternal Order of Police in Cincinnati, Ohio
Designation of Arlene Holen As Chairman of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Remarks on Arrival in Columbus, Ohio
Proclamation 6488—In Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the White House