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Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Regarding Report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate on Possible Noncommunist Resistance (NCR) Cooperation With the Khmer Rouge
George Bush
Remarks on Signing the National Parents and Teachers Association Week Proclamation
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Queen Margrethe II of Denmark
Remarks at a Briefing on Energy Policy
Toasts at the State Dinner for Queen Margrethe II of Denmark
Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on Soviet-United States Arms Control Agreements
Exchange With Reporters on the Soviet Peace Proposal for the Persian Gulf Conflict
Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports on Highway and Motor Vehicle Safety
Message to the Senate on the International Labor Organization Convention Concerning the Abolition of Forced Labor
Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine
Remarks to Raytheon Missile Systems Plant Employees in Andover, Massachusetts
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Report on Soviet Noncompliance With Arms Control Agreements
Remarks to the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Exchange With Reporters in Andover, Massachusetts, on the Iraqi Offer To Withdraw From Kuwait
Proclamation 6250—Lithuanian Independence Day, 1991
Executive Order 12750—Designation of Arabian Peninsula Areas, Airspace, and Adjacent Waters as the Persian Gulf Desert Shield Area
Executive Order 12751—Health Care Services for Operation Desert Storm
Remarks Announcing Proposed Transportation Legislation
Message to Congress Transmitting the Economic Report of the President
Exchange With Reporters on the Persian Gulf Conflict Prior to Discussions With Defense Minister Thomas King of the United Kingdom