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Remarks at the Ford's Theatre Gala
George Bush
Executive Order 12753—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Cornelio Sommaruga of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Proclamation 6258—National School Breakfast Week, 1991
Memorandum on the Return of Desert Shield/Desert Storm Participants to Federal Civilian Employment
Message to the Congress on the Termination of the Sanctions Imposed With Respect to Kuwait
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Telecommunications Trade Talks With the European Community and Korea
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Nuclear Cooperation with EURATOM
Interview With Middle Eastern Journalists
Message on the Observance of St. Patrick's Day, 1991
Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Margaret Thatcher
Proclamation 6257—For National Days of Thanksgiving, April 5-7, 1991
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Austria-United States Social Security Agreement
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation of the Persian Gulf Conflict
Memorandum on Provision of Assistance Under Sectio 614 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended, for Niger and Senegal
Remarks at the Attorney General's Crime Summit
Remarks at a Briefing on Extension of the Fast Track Trade Negotiation Authority
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Foreign Minister Francisco Fernandez-Ordonez of Spain
Proclamation 6256—Vermont Bicentennial Day, 1991
Memorandum on Certification for Pakistan Under Section 574(b) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1991