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Remarks Upon Arrival in Rochester, Minnesota
George Bush
Proclamation 6221—For a National Day of Prayer, November 2, 1990
The President's News Conference in Orlando, Florida
Remarks at a Republican Campaign Rally in Mashpee, Massachusetts
Remarks at a Reception for Governor Bob Martinez in Orlando, Florida
Remarks at a Republican Party Fundraising Breakfast in Burlington, Massachusetts
Exchange With Reporters in Alexandria, Virginia
Remarks at a Fundraising Breakfast for Representative Stan Parris in Alexandria, Virginia
Exchange With Reporters on the Persian Gulf Crisis
Executive Order 12732—International Fund for Agricultural Development
Statement on Signing the Bill Reauthorizing Native American Higher Education Assistance
Remarks Congratulating the Cincinnati Reds on Winning the World Series
Memorandum on Determination Under Section 405 of Public Law 101-246
Proclamation 6219—Refugee Day, 1990
Remarks at the Republican National Committee Election Countdown Rally
Proclamation 6220—National Awareness Month for Children With Cancer, 1990
Remarks at a Rally for Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Price in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Exchange With Reporters in San Francisco, California
Remarks to Officers and Troops at Hickam Air Force Base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii