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The President's News Conference
George Bush
Statement on the Seventh Anniversary of the Strategic Defense Initiative
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Annual Report on International Activities in Science and Technology
Remarks on United States Economic Assistance During a Meeting With Vice President Guillermo Ford of Panama
Executive Order 12708—Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984
Remarks at a White House Tree-Planting Ceremony
Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Reforestation Legislation
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki of Poland
Remarks on Signing the Poland-United States Business and Economic Treaty
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the National Science Foundation
Statement on Namibian Independence
Toasts at the State Dinner for Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki of Poland
Statement on Transmitting the Annual National Security Strategy Report
Proclamation 6109—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 1990
Remarks on Signing the Greek Independence Day Proclamation
Proclamation 6110—National Agriculture Day, 1990
Message to the Senate Transmitting Amendments to the International Expositions Convention
Remarks on Signing the National Agriculture Day Proclamation
Remarks on Economic Assistance for Nicaragua and Panama and an Exchange With Reporters