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Remarks at a Ceremony Commemorating Captive Nations Week
George Bush
Remarks on Transmitting to the Congress Proposed Legislation To Amend the Clean Air Act
Remarks on the 20th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Statement on the Crash of a United Airlines Jetliner in Sioux City, Iowa
Remarks at a White House Barbecue on the 20th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Proclamation 5999—Space Exploration Day, 1989
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Communications Support for Drug Interdiction
Message to the Congress Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Libya
Statement by the President on the Upcoming Elections in Nicaragua
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report on Nuclear Nonproliferation
Remarks Upon Returning From the Trip to Europe
Remarks to Residents of Leiden, The Netherlands
The President's News Conference in Paris
Paris Economic Summit: Economic Declaration
Informal Exchange With Reporters Following a Meeting With British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in Paris
Paris Economic Summit: Declaration on Human Rights
Joint Statement by the President and Prime Minister Sosuke Uno of Japan on Economic Issues
Remarks at the Departure Ceremony in Budapest
Interview With Members of the White House Press Corps
Remarks to Students and Faculty at Karl Marx University in Budapest