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Proclamation 5772—Lithuanian Independence Day, 1988
Ronald Reagan
Remarks at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conference Dinner
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Mexico-United States Legal Assistance Treaty
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by the Mexican Newspaper Notimex
Proclamation 5770—National Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5771—Save Your Vision Week, 1988
Memorandum on the U.S. Diplomatic and Consular Mission in Antigua and Barbuda
Remarks on Arrival at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina
Remarks at a Seminar on Substance Abuse in the Workplace in Durham, North Carolina
Radio Address to the Nation on Drug Abuse and Aid to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Remarks During the White House Staff's Celebration of the President's 77th Birthday
Remarks During the President's 77th Birthday Celebration
Remarks on Signing the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987
Remarks at the Annual National Prayer Breakfast
Proclamation 5768—National Tourism Week, 1988
Proclamation 5769—National Women in Sports Day, 1988
Statement on the House of Representatives Failure to Approve Aid for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Designation of Roland R. Vautour as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Rural Telephone Bank
Remarks Congratulating the Washington Redskins on Winning Super Bowl XXII
Statement on the Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Nominee Anthony M. Kennedy