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Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the President's Volunteer Action Awards
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5190—Jewish Heritage Week, 1984
Proclamation 5187—National Correctional Officers Week, 1984
Proclamation 5188—National Photo Week, 1984
Proclamation 5189—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1984
Radio Address to the Nation on Waste, Fraud, Abuse, and Mismanagement in the Federal Government
Statement on the Second Round of the Conference on Confidence and Security Building Measures and Disarmament in Europe
Message on the Observance of National Volunteer Week, May 6-12, 1984
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by Pacific Magazine on United States Policy in the Pacific Island Region
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Poland Fishery Agreement
Proclamation 5186—Student Awareness of Drunk Driving Month, 1984
Message to the Congress Reporting on the Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Pope John Paul II in Fairbanks, Alaska
Remarks at a Luncheon With Community Leaders in Fairbanks, Alaska
Remarks by Telephone With Premier Zhao Ziyang of China Upon Returning to the United States
Statement on the Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Trip to China
Remarks Upon Returning From China
Remarks at a Signing Ceremony for Four United States-China Agreements
Toast at a Banquet Hosted by Mayor Wang Daohan of Shanghai