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Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom Following Their Meetings
Ronald Reagan
Remarks on Greeting Members of the Washington Capitals and United States Olympic Hockey Teams
Letter to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Proposed Pension Equity Legislation
Statement on Senate Approval of United States Participation in the Multinational Force in Lebanon
Statement on Signing a 1984 and 1985 Feed Grain Programs Bill
Statement on Signing the Bill Establishing a Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution
Remarks on Greeting the Australian and American Crewmembers of the America's Cup Competition
Statement on Signing the Joint Congressional Resolution Condemning the Soviet Attack on a Korean Civilian Airliner
Statement on House of Representatives Approval of United States Participation in the Multinational Force in Lebanon
Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Deferrals
Remarks on Presenting Awards for Excellence in Education
Executive Order 12443—Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
Proclamation 5107—National Adult Day Care Center Week, 1983
Message to Prime Minister Robert Hawke of Australia on the Victory of the Australia H in the America's Cup Competition
Proclamation 5108—National Employ the Handicapped Week, 1983
Remarks of President Reagan and President Mauno Koivisto of Finland Following Their Meetings
Letter to Congressional Leaders on United States Participation in the Multinational Force in Lebanon
Proclamation 5109—National High School Activities Week, 1983
Remarks at a Fundraising Dinner for the Republican Majority Fund
Proclamation 5105—United Nations Day, 1983