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Notice of the Continuation of the Iran Emergency
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5126—National Family Week, 1983
Message to the Congress Concerning the Continuation of the Iran Emergency
Message to the Congress Reporting on Developments Concerning the Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Executive Order 12448—Regulations Related to Voiding or Rescission of Contracts
Proclamation 5125—National Reye's Syndrome Week, 1983
Remarks to Military Personnel at Cherry Point, North Carolina, on the United States Casualties in Lebanon and Grenada
Remarks Announcing the Appointment of Donald Rumsfeld as the President's Personal Representative in the Middle East
Proclamation 5124—National Diabetes Month, 1983
Remarks at the Reagan-Bush Campaign Reunion
Letter to the Senate Majority Leader on the Commission on Civil Rights
Remarks on Signing the Bill Making the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., a National Holiday
Proclamation 5123—National Drug Abuse Education Week, 1983
Remarks on Signing the National Drug Abuse Education Week Proclamation
Radio Address to the Nation on Nuclear Weapons
Address to the Nation on Events in Lebanon and Grenada
Executive Order 12447—President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the Federal Government
Proclamation 5122—National Poison Prevention Week, 1984
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica Announcing the Deployment of United States Forces in Grenada
Remarks of the President and Lieutenant General Hussain Mohammad Ershad, President of the Council of Ministers of Bangladesh, Following Their Meetings