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Remarks to the American Lobby for the Balanced Budget Amendment
Ronald Reagan
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on the Provision of Credit Facilities to the Bank of Mexico
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing United States Participation in the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition
Toasts of President Reagan and President Vigdis Finnbogadottir of Iceland at a Luncheon Honoring the Icelandic President
Proclamation 4960—Fire Prevention Week, 1982
Proclamation 4961—Leif Erikson Day, 1982
Statement on Pending Action by the House of Representatives on a Fiscal Year 1982 Supplemental Appropriations Bill
Letter to Selected Members of the Senate on an Antiabortion Amendment to a Federal Debt Ceiling Bill
Proclamation 4962—Columbus Day, 1982
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Ambassador Philip C. Habib
Letter to Mayor Elias Freij of Bethlehem on the Palestinian Situation
Message on the Observance of Labor Day
Radio Address to the Nation on the Observance of Labor Day
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on Exclusions From the Federal Merit Pay System
Address to the Nation on United States Policy for Peace in the Middle East
Letter to President Aristides Pereira of Cape Verde on United States Acceptance of the Gift of the Schooner Ernestina
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval a Fiscal Year 1982 Supplemental Appropriations Bill
Statement on Signing the Patent and Trademark Office Appropriations Bill
Radio Address to the Nation on the Economy
Message to the Congress Transmitting an Alternate Plan for Federal Civilian Pay Increases